Sunday, October 6, 2019

10/03/2019 Woops

10/03/2019 Woops
Today was our first full day to explore. First stop was to hike out to Bright Angle Point. I should add that the temperature this morning was 25 degrees, but it warmed up quickly.

Next up was to hike part of the Kaibab trail but there was not a parking spot to be had. Alternate plan was to hike part of the Widforss trail. This was a lovely walk through the pines and aspen finally ending up with a great view of one of the side canyons. A little further down the trail we began to see smoke. And we could see men working to put out the remains of a fire from the day before. At this point we turned around and headed back to the truck.

A little further down the main road drove the Cape Royal Road to have lunch at Point Imperial. The drive also took us to Vista Encantada, Rooseveit Point, Walhalla Overlook, and Angels Window. Now back to camp for some Chilie.

Now the Woops, I was working on the blog and goofed up and deleted the folder containing all the pictures we had taken all day. Sorry no pictures only good memories.

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