Friday, October 11, 2019

10/11/2019 Powell Point, Red Rock Canyon, and More Bryce

10/11/2019 Powell Point, Red Rock Canyon, and More Bryce

Woke up this morning to 14 degrees. Decided this was a good morning to go exploring in the truck. We decided to drive north out of the park to see where the road would lead us. Finally ended up on a forest service road which took us to Pine Lake Camp Ground and a good view of Powell Point. The road was not bad but very little interesting to see unless you are in to beef cows.

Next we headed up 12 to Red Rock Canyon. We drove through here when arriving at Bryce but did not stop. This time we took time to take some pictures. There are two tunnels you drive thru.

By this time lunch was calling. We stopped at Bryce Canyon Pines Restaurant. This is a place we had eaten at on our previous trip. I can tell you the Boysenberry pie is every bit as good as it was then.
The afternoon was spent catching a few highlight in the park we had missed (Bryce Point, Inspiration point and Bryce Lodge).

Powell Point

Red Rock Canyon

Bryce Point

Inspiration Point

Bryce Lodge

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