Sunday, October 6, 2019

10/04/2019 Partical Rewind

Since my mistake of yesterday, we decided to drive the Cape Royal Road a second time and concentrate on the areas we skimmed over before. Driving to the end of the road Angels Window was our first stop. Through the window in the rock you can see the Colorado River down below.
Next stop was to walk out to the Angels Window Point. I must say the wind was really blowing and made me really nervous walking out there. You can walk with me in the video(caution turn your volume down the wind noise is bad.

Angels Window

Angels Window Point

Cape Royal Overlook

Heading back up the road was Wallhalla Overlook.

Note that you can see the San Francisco peaks in the backround. These peaks are just outside Flagstaff, AZ.

Roosevelt Point would be our next stop. This location was dedicated to President Teddy.

Last stop was Vista Encantada. Here we had lunch while taking in the views.

After lunch it was a drive Forest Service road 611 to find where our friends Tom and Debbie were camped a couple of days ago. The road was washboard but not too bad. We believe they were camped some where close to 611V. We found a number of spots to camp but our taste liked the Demont Campground Site 18 worked just fine.

A early back to camp with the plan tomorrow to leave early to obtain a parking place and hike part of the Kiabab trail.

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